Why apply for a personal loan without proof?

This type of borrowing gives you more freedom in how you use it. You are unaccountable and can thus choose to indulge yourself by depending on it or save by investing. Quick to set up, it can be very useful in an emergency situation! A personal loan without proof also gives you flexibility in the repayment terms. Keep in mind that if you don’t present a payslip, the body responsible for approving your loan will be more cautious and more attentive to your financial situation.

Who can apply for a consumer credit without proof?

This credit is for people aged 18 and over in need of cash. Whether it is to finance the furnishing of your new home or your trips to the other side of the world, the personal loan without proof is available for everyone and brings your projects to life.

What can affect the price of your consumer credit?

The price of your consumer credit without proof will be affected by the interest rate issued on it. Before signing your contract, take the time to look at how many percentages this rate is, the total cost of your loan, and how long. Loan insurance can be a good option to consider, although it is not mandatory. Indeed, because of its speed of access, the costs of non-repayment of the personal loan without proof can be very important. Make sure you can pay it back on time by not asking for an excessive amount.

Fast, flexible and secure, the personal loan without proof can be useful in an emergency situation or for a last minute gift! An easy solution that fills your bank account in no time.